I called my parents from the airport Thursday afternoon to let them know we were on our way. That's when mom mentioned to me that she wanted all the siblings (10 of us, total) to give toasts at the RD. So I had about 24 hours notice. My 2 brothers and sister got their notice sometime between creampuffgate and the start of the dinner. The bride's siblings were told during the salad course (the toasts were before dessert). After all of my sibling's toasts were done, my mom turned to DH and said it was his turn. That's a full half-second notice, if you're counting.
She actually told one of the bride's siblings "I'm not putting you on the spot, you don't have to speak for a few minutes," and she claims that she thought DH had something prepared because my sister had been joking that she was going to pay him to do her toast for her.
Funny aside: I had planned to say in my toast that Bro is the favorite son, and now that he's getting married my mom will finally have a favorite daughter. But my dad used the same joke in his, so I had to think up something new at the last minute. DH pointed out that it stops being a joke when multiple family members think the same thing.
This one isn't a mom story, it's a Moredad story. Im going to caveat this with the fact that I love my grandparents more than anything, and they really are wonderful people. They are seriously goddamn desperate for great-grandkids though.
The day after the wedding, Bro and SIL asked H and I if we had gotten "the talk." Apparently, Moredad had sat them down and told them he only had a few years left, he really wanted great-grandchildren, and that they were his only hope.
H and I never got this talk. I'm really not sure whether to be pleased that we're not being hounded, or offended that they apparently don't want great-grandchildren from me.