I agree with this.
I was eating dinner at CPK on Friday night at the counter by myself when I heard a lot of shrieking happening in the main dining area. I looked over, and 3 adults were involved in a conversation at one table, while their little darlings were scampering around another table, screaming and making it difficult for anyone to get past the table.
I kept turning around and watching this, bewildered. I wanted to go over to that table, alert the parents to what was going on (because they were obviously too wrapped up in their own conversation to pay attention), and then force the little howler monkeys (which included a young Asian child with a mullet) to sit their asses down in thier chairs and act like humans for the remainder of the meal.
Of course, I couldn't do this and I didn't. But after I and the other people in the area turned around for the 10th time, the mom told the kids, "A little quieter, boys!".