Hey girls. Apologize in advance. this is a VENT.
Fi and I have been together for going on 5 years. Our families are friends. Our friends are friends. Our friends are friends with our families....lol. This part I love.
What I do NOT love is the amount of times I get asked each time I see one of these people is, "when are you guys gonna start a family?" Is it just me or is this the tackiest question ever?
Uhm. Hello?! We are not even married yet. THat is still 6 months away. I would *kinda* like to focus on my wedding before trying to pop out babies. And maybe after that...enjoy my MARRIAGE before children!!!
I sometimes feel like a horrible person to get upset about this. We have done the birth control battle. We both want kids...just not anytime soon. We need to be financially stable and independent first. And hell, we want to be a little selfish and enjoy each other before late night feedings and saggy boobs. Dear Jesus.
I know there are ladies out there who desperately want babies and cannot have them so I apologize for my rant. I know its stupid and selfish to feel this way....but does ANYONE out there feel me on this? Can I puh-lease just have my wedding without hearing another question about having children?!
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