I just have to tell this story because it has been pissing me off for weeks and I told everyone it would happen and IT DID and I just think it is funny and ridiculous.
A couple weeks ago there was something on my fiances facebook about the wedding and this obnoxious girl (his sisters friend) comments "HEY JUST A QUESTION AM I INVITED TO THE WEDDING?" When i saw this I flipped out because 1) I can't stand this girl, at every party his sister has she makes my skin crawl because she is so obnoxious 2) She likes to brag to me about how she has known my fiance longer than I have and she is "part of their family" 3) I know she has a crush or something on him because she is always like hanging on him and on me trying to piss me off.
So obviously she is not invited, my fiance can't stand her either but today it was his nephews birthday party and ever since she made the FB comment I have been telling him - at this party she is going to come up to us and harass us about the wedding. WHICH SHE DID! JUST LIKE I SAID!
She stomped right up to him and started tapping her foot just staring at him...I immediately rolled my eyes and walked away because I knew she would do this and I was in such a bad mood I felt like I was going to slap her. I could hear her complaining that she was part of the family and why wasn't she invited? Blah blah blah....then she was like begging him if someone doesn't show up, can she fill their seat? Um how about no? Neither of us like you, you idiot. My fiance told her she wasn't invited so the rest of the day she pouted in the house and I didn't say one word to her LOL. I just think this whole thing is funny because she has no class- what kind of person does this? I can't stand her!!! She makes my blood boil....I avoided her all day because I felt like I was going to freaking attack her lol sorry for the long vent.....