I've been beating myself up since last night because I was a <little> snippy with my mom on the phone last night.
She has issues with my grandma, most of which seem to be in her own head, but I also wasn't there when she was growing up so I try to stay out of it. But sometimes she really treats my grandmother like she's a dimwitted five-year-old, and it pisses me off.
If it were DH, thanks to marriage counseling I could sit down and have a nice, calm, rational conversation about it. But since it's my mom, when she was snippy about my grandma (and mistaken, to boot), I was a little too happy to point out that she was actually mistaken. She didn't say anything about it, but I've been beating myself up ever since.
DH said just to email and apologize so I can move on, but that would be admitting wrongdoing in the first place, which I don't want to do. So I just keep mentally flogging myself, and promising to be a better daughter so that karma will reward me with a daughter who's nicer to me than I was to my mom.