Where, oh where, should my guests go?
I have to ask, for I do not know.
I may need to hire the TSA
To seat my guests for my “big day!”
My friend Mohammed, brown and fine,
Hails from a place called Palestine.
Another friend, Ester, is a Jew,
I’ll seat them together, SHE’S FROM THERE TOO!
Mohammed and Ester account for two seats
I’ll need 6 more people to make numbers neat
Who else should I put at #9 table?
I’ll think really hard, I’m sure that I’m able.
D’shawne is Greg, the best man’s, date
He’s really flamboyant, and I think he’s great!
He’s from Atlanta, and designs clothes,
But his date is wedding party, so to nine he goes.
“Cooter” is another from the “deep south”
He only has 3 teeth inside of his mouth.
His Ford truck displays a Confederate flag
“The South will rise again!” to nine he’ll brag.
Hans and Adolf are my German friends
Shaved heads and blue eyes are in style again.
They’ll love all the folks at table nine –
Two more to go, and I’m feeling fine!
Mi-kum Kim and Dao-Ming Li add Asian flair
Both have slanted eyes and long black hair.
They can talk anime until the night is up –
As long as they don’t try to share one cup!
Maybe it wasn’t as hard as I thought!
The seating is planned, the favors are bought.
I know that I’ll have a great wedding day –
Making this list washed my cares away!