Wedding Woes



I just a friendly gal looking for options.

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Re: Poll

  • I used to; I don't miss it. It was basically just therapy. I'm fixed now. 
  • I think of the garbage that I hoard as my installation art journal.
  • Wait, I forgot I kept a travel journal a few times.  
  • DG1DG1 member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    I do Happy Rambles. (http://happy, I think. ) I don't reply every day, but I try to. My Facebook timeline is practically a journal, too.

  • I've started several journals, but just couldn't keep up with them.  I would skip days and feel guilty about it and then I'd feel like i had to write a bunch of them at once to catch up.  then I started wondering what my grandchildren or future generations would think about my crappy journal keeping, what if I become famous and it gets stolen, and decided it was just too much pressure so I gave it up.
  • I have a gratitude journal where you write five things to be grateful for everyday. i write in it once a month or so most of the time, and occasionally every day for short spurts. It actually helps to think about the little things in life that are good by trying to come up with specific things for that day, not just the same, FI, health, etc

    I also do travel journals for major trips such as my two week extended study in Nicaragua. I did not want to forget anything from the trip
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