My fiance and I are not getting married until Sept. 10, 2011, which may seem like a long time away from now, but apparently its not enough time to save enough money to pay for our already as budget friendly as it can get wedding. I was doing the math and making a budget of what we are going to need money wise, and even with me saving entire paychecks from my part time job and my fiance saving 150-200 per month from his paychecks, it will not add up to enough money.
I brought this up to him and he stated that he hates that "we will be saving all this money to end up with nothing after the wedding." I agree, but the only solution is to ask his parents to contribute money wise to our wedding. My parents have already contributed a lot, and will be paying for a few more things, and I feel I do not want to ask them for more money, because they do not have a ton to contribute. His parent, however, do have more money they could contribute, but he will not ask them. I pointed out that we could just explain that our budget is very tight, and in doing the math we found out that we might not have enough to pay for everything we need, and if they could help us out in whatever way we would greatly appreciate it. He still doesn't like the idea, at all.
Is it tacky or rude to ask for money if you need it? They aren't the type of people to turn us away, or be put out by us asking for money. He just feels that they have already done enough for us. I don't know, I just don't want for it to come to that time and we are scrounging every last penny we have because he won't ask for money.