About two weeks ago, I posted a message about my bridesmaid troubles.
To give you the recap:
Recently, I had discussed ordering my bridesmaid dresses with all of my bridesmaids (there are 4 in my party). All of them were on board for ordering them at a fairly cheap price ($120), except for one. She wanted to wait a few months, and stated she wasn't "financially" able to buy it at the time. When I offered to pay, she said she needed to talk to me personally.
When I met with her, she started to bring up a whole bunch of issues, related to my fiance and how we rushed into things (we had a very quick engagement, after dating for only 8 months), how she thought our friendship had changed, and other personal things that I was shocked to really hear!
It was very upsetting, and she told me she needed a few days to decide if she could "afford" to be apart of my wedding.
After processing what was said (and being very hurt in the process)
**To bring you up to speed...after waiting 5 days after we had the discussion, I had to call my bridesmaid back, and her answer was that yes, she would be apart of the wedding. So, I started making an effort to call her more, and it turns out that now I am the only one calling. She made an effort to email the lady to order the dresses from, but still hasn't gotten back to my other bridesmaids on what is going on. They are getting frustrated now, and time is ticking on ordering them....
to add to the stress, I had sent an email last week about getting the bridesmaids together to work on some wedding stuff this weekend, and I still haven't heard back from her.
Now that I am making more of an effort...she is still acting the same way...I truly don't think she wants to be apart of this wedding....