Just wanted to vent a little. I am literally 4 days from my wedding and I just found out about 2 weeks ago that my future MIL, sister in law, her husband (who is one of the groomsmen) and some of the other out of town family will not be at the rehearsal dinner. We have been planning this wedding for over a year and EVERYONE has known about it. It is not a very small wedding, there will be about 170 guests, and it irritates me that they feel like they don't need to be at the rehearsal dinner. My FH and I argued about it bc he thinks it's not a big deal, but I feel like they just don't take into consideration the time and money WE have spent on this wedding. They act like our wedding is an inconvenience to their lives! Our wedding is this Sunday, and they are flying in Saturday night at midnight!! They are not rich, but they have a LOT more money than we do, so the money was not an option. They have offered to pay for nothing, (except the brother-in-law who rented a tux) or offered to help in any way. They all post things on FB about how excited they are to come, but to me, there actions seem to show more than words. Then last night, my FH's dad called and said he probably won't make it to the rehearsal dinner either, and he lives in the next town over from us. That means, NONE of my FH's side of the family will be at the rehearsal dinner, and it has me up at 2am this morning. Am I turning into Bridezilla? I guess other people don't see our wedding as special as I wanted them to. Maybe they all hate me. Maybe I am asking too much. I just wanted our families to mingle and get to meet each other the night before. Some of them have never met before and I have been with my FH for 6 years!! And oh yeah....PRACTICE the wedding stuff, so we won't have to do it the next morning!! I hope someone responds to this. I just want to know if I am being a little too dramatic....