Wedding Woes

You know what happens when I'm bored???

Random #1

Now, that you are a few years into married life, would you marry your husband again?

Re: You know what happens when I'm bored???

  • No, but then again I think I'd be a hermit ans wouldn't even bother dating.
  • Without a doubt.  I don't really know how to explain without going full on TF.

  • Depends on the day, but most of the time I would say yes. 

    LOL @ 'full on TF'.    I can be like that about Mr. Conn at times.
  • Yes.  Even though we don't SEEM compatible, we are.
  • Absolutely. Of course, I feel like we were a few years into married life before we actually got married, so I think I had a better-than-average knowledge of what it would be like. 

    And yeah, I can go full-on TF, too. We've gotten better together. 
  • There was a time when I would have thought long and hard before answering, but right now I say absolutely, without a doubt.
  • Without a doubt

  • If I say no, does that mean I should be calling a divorce lawyer?

  • IDK.  And that's not his fault or anything.  I've just started looking back and my life and wondering about different decisions I might've/could've/should've made.  And those decisions wouldn't have necessarily lead to marriage to him.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: You know what happens when I'm bored???</a>:
    [QUOTE]If I say no, does that mean I should be calling a divorce lawyer?
    Posted by DG1[/QUOTE]
    I don't think so. 

    My sister tried to hook me up with this ridiculously good looking guy right before I met Mr. Conn.  I never called him because I was too indimidated and he never called me for reasons unknown.  I saw him after I met H and he wondered why we never got together for a date/drink/whatever.  I've thought about taht question from time to time over the years.

    It doesn't mean I'm not happy...It just means that I sometimes wonder too.
  • My DD is totally awesome, so the thought of not having her makes me sad.   Otherwise, no, I probably wouldn't marry him.
  • This is really interesting. I think many people would go for a do-over, but remember it isn't always greener.
  • I wonder what the husbands would say.
  • I think if I had a "do-over", I wouldn't end up married at all.  A lot of times I look at this hetero-normative life I have and it makes me want to scream.  I miss Rock Star Varuna (yes, she existed along with the Lost Summer of 22, with me and BFF) and I miss crazy stories and different people and changing my location every six months, spartment/loft living, etc.  Part of the normality is just simply being married, it's not DH's "fault" that we are what we are.

    I'm slowly working on trying to get some of that back and putting myself out there to meet new and different people, to read new and challenging things and to work at different hobbies.

  • Agreed on heteronomative. Not that I was ever wild and crazy, but just the stepford suburban blah is pretty disgusting sometimes. But now that kids are in the picture, it's not like there are a lot of reasonable alternatives.

    And at least half of my "no" is that H should be married to someone else. Someone who really enjoys hamburger helper and slapstick comedy and farming or whatever. Kids were at grandma's last night, and we couldn't even agree on a movie to watch. We ended up having a mini Parks-and-Rec Marathon (4 or 5 episodes? We're wrapping up Season 2.), then he did some work and I went to bed. The end. 

  • yes -- and i will go tf.

    i could not ask for a better person to be in my life, and for someone who is such a good, caring and fair partner.  we are better people, parents, workers, citizens together, and he is my constant.
  • Awww. That's so sweet H.
  • I know that he'd say he would marry me again. I do love him and I do love our life now, but one thing I really realize about myself is that I have a hard time in relationships and it is a lot of work for me, ans I'm really lazy.
  • Yep. Full-on TF style.
    I seriously woke up in the middle of the night, looked at him sleeping, and thought about how lucky I was to have someone who could deal with all the bullschit I throw him and still make it a priority to make me laugh.
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