Wedding Woes

Oooh, someone's in trouble

So y'all know my Chamber of Commerce internship turned out to be a bust. I've been kinda pissed about it 'cause all those interviews and call backs and what-not were a waste of my time. Either 1) they jerked me around and then decided not to have an intern (which is what they told me) or 2) they picked someone else and were too pussified to tell me the truth.

I was complaining to a friend of mine about it yesterday. This friend happens to have an uncle that sits on a board for the Chamber. I did not know this, but she'd told him to keep an eye out for me once she heard about my interview back in March. Well, she called said Uncle and told him what they told me, and he was displeased. He called me this morning, wanting the names of everyone I talked to, and wanted a copy of the email they sent me. I was all :-o yessir, here ya go.

He told me he'd be getting back to me by the end of this week. I'm still :-o right now.

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