Wedding Woes

5 Personality Traits that Divide Us Politically

Found it, on MSNBC -

So, someone explain to me how "Purity/sanctity" or "Authority/respect" takes priority over "harm/care" and "fairness/reciprocity." 


Re: 5 Personality Traits that Divide Us Politically

  • Man.  I think fairness/recip should be much higher. 

    Politics is all about power.  Period.  Who has it, who wants it and how we can move it around. 
  • My eyebrows are stuck to the ceiling.

    a recent poll, conducted by Harris Interactive, found that 32 percent of those polled believe that President Obama is a Muslim, and about">a quarter of Republicans in the poll think he may be the antichrist. The poll was widely criticized for not properly representing the public, but Harris pollsters stood by its validity.

    Oh crazies, get a new club.
  • What about liberty? I care more about personal liberty than fairness or harm or, certainly, tradition. 

    This is why I'm not liberal or conservative, I guess. 
  • Wouldn't fairness depend on the individual? I mean what I consider fair is that I get to keep what I've earned, and while my intention isn't to harm Joe who can't work is that in essence what I'm doing by insisting I keep what's mine?

     But someone else's definition of fairness, while it might not mean to infringe upon what I feel is fair, might be that Joe who can't work gets to live a decent lifestyle. And what's a decent lifestyle? Does he get cable? Does he get to live the same life as me? 
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