1. My ILs are farking idiots. They told DH that he was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. When he was filling out his Navy background check it asks about stuff like that and then pulls your medical records. So DH wrote in about the ADHD and got his records pulled.
dude. It clearly says on the paper that he was negative for ADHD. It mentions that the parents thought he had it from what they had read about it, but all tests were negative. His parents have been telling them that he had ADHD for years, and he never did.
farking idiots.
They've also told us that lil BIL was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, when really MIL had just read about the symptoms and decided he was bi-polar. He's a screw up and now he has an excuse to be one.
2. My H got a new job! Obviously, it's temporary until he leaves, but YAY! He's been in a terrible situation at work since October and has been looking since then, and he finally found a job in his field, and it even pays better than his old one. This is awesome news. He was planning to leave old job for boot camp, but anything that gets him away sooner is extra awesome

It's working with children who have Autism, which he really loves. I'm happy for him.