Wedding Woes

Something that is totally weird.

I was thinking about abortions the other day and all of the craziness going on right now.

I've always been in the pro-choice camp, to the end that I, frankly, think some people should be sterilized.

My next thought after this has always been, but I was always careful when I was young and not ready for kids, and prevented ever needing one myself.

But that simply is not the case. I was never able to have kids and thus, I feel like my opinion on the issues somehow should changed, or has been changed. Like, I feel like men can have their opinions on this, but it is really a woman's issue -- but as a woman, the issue was never really mine, on an individual level.

I know this is weird and my opinions and attitudes are no less just because I found out I can't make babies (so for the love of Pete, don't tell me I need f*cking therapy), but in a moment of really weird introspection, my mind took me to this place. I feel like this message has been brought to you by Albert Hofmann.

Re: Something that is totally weird.

  • No, I think I get what you're saying.  It makes you look differently at accidental pregnancies, because your lack of this wasn't necessarily due to any real virtue on your part.
  • Why would your opinion change just b/c you found out you more than likely didn't need the access to contraceptives? It doesn't mean that you're okay with the access being restricted for everyone else. The only example I can think of right now is *I* don't need a daycare taxbreak, but I support it for working parents.  

    One of my favorite groups right now on FB is Gay Men for Women's Rights and they have a entire post explaining why women's rights are important to Gay Men.

    In all honestly, most real political issues are bigger than the individual.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:47Discussion:9836ebc8-f2c6-4b09-ad05-f86fcbd1346fPost:c39a2481-267f-487b-a2ae-2fbe625516a4">Re: Something that is totally weird.</a>:
    [QUOTE]No, I think I get what you're saying.  It makes you look differently at accidental pregnancies, because your lack of this wasn't necessarily due to any real virtue on your part.
    Posted by ReturnOfKuus[/QUOTE]

    THANK YOU! Yes. I can't be all morally judgy/superior about it.

    And yes, women's issues should be important to gay men. Because as an entire freaking gender that makes up roughly half the population, if we can't equality, how are ten percent going to stand a chance based on sexual-orientation?
  • GBCKGBCK member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    I 'get' it but...I swear, as one of the resident 'no premarital nookie' people, I'm getting more pro-choice the older i get.
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