I was thinking about abortions the other day and all of the craziness going on right now.
I've always been in the pro-choice camp, to the end that I, frankly, think some people should be sterilized.
My next thought after this has always been, but I was always careful when I was young and not ready for kids, and prevented ever needing one myself.
But that simply is not the case. I was never able to have kids and thus, I feel like my opinion on the issues somehow should changed, or has been changed. Like, I feel like men can have their opinions on this, but it is really a woman's issue -- but as a woman, the issue was never really mine, on an individual level.
I know this is weird and my opinions and attitudes are no less just because I found out I can't make babies (so for the love of Pete, don't tell me I need f*cking therapy), but in a moment of really weird introspection, my mind took me to this place. I feel like this message has been brought to you by Albert Hofmann.