Wedding Woes

feed me fish

I don't eat a lot of fish, because I don't like fish that actually taste like fish.  I was okay with tilapia, but DH is tired of it.  (I can't say I blame him, since it's the only fish I've made in a very long time.)

Clearly, I'm in a rut, so help me out?  Recommend mild-tasting fish for people who don't actually like fish, but feel like they (I) should eat it for health reasons and to expand my horizons.

I made tuna once, and it was okay.  I didn't love it, but I ate it.  (That's what she said.)  I usually don't like salmon, but I had some once when I visited a friend in Seattle that was pretty good.  We bought it at Pike Place market the same day he cooked it, which probably isn't an option here.  Bonus points for recommendations low in mercury, since I'm still BFing.  (Breastfeeding, you dirty hoars.) 


Re: feed me fish

  • salmon with a dry rub -- broiled after being rubbed with equal parts brown sugar and potlatch seasoning.  taste like barbeque.
  • I don't really like fish either. I'm okay with Mahi Mahi and Cod, but are white and mild tasting.
    Unfortunatley I'm married to a hobby fisherman who expects me to eat disgusting stink like trout and bass. Um no. The smell of those cooking has pretty much turned me off of all fish, so I don't eat it often, just when I'm at other people's houses or restaurants.

  • cold fresh water fish is the best. But past that I'm clueless. Trout, maybe?
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