1- Our school is running a pre-law program for minority undergraduates that may want to go to law school. It's a residential thing; they come here and get put in a hotel for 6 weeks. They become, for all intents and purposes, law students. The professors running it want me and another student to serve as TAs for the kids. They have study sessions every evening from 4 to 8 pm that we help with. We are also in charge of the adminstrative stuff; making sure the kids have money to eat, getting lesson plans together, etc. Also, one of the professors is going overseas 4 weeks into it, so I'll be taking over for her the last 2 weeks. This is a supremely baller resume builder, and makes the Chamber look like a stint at McDonalds.
2- After the program is over; I'll serve as research assistant for 2 professors for the rest of the summer. The one going overseas is participating in a big international law case and needs me to email her... I guess whatever she needs. I'm getting set up in her office and have an official employment contract. Like a real job. It's full time during the summer, and goes to part-time once school starts back up. But it's still paid, I think $12-15 an hour. Nothing I'll retire on, but a whole hell of a lot more than the Chamber was offering.
I'm kinda excited about this. I'm going to be busy as hell this summer, but it'll be worth it.