Wedding Woes

Validate me please

DH normally gets home from work between 4:45 and 5.  It's not uncommon for him to be late, but he usually calls.  At 6p I sent a text that simply said "eta?"  He's annoyed at me.  I think if anyone should be annoyed it's me, but does he really have a point?

Re: Validate me please

  • Hell, I call my FI on my way home from work every day just to chat. Usually we talk for like a minute because he has to go, but he still always answers. If he's going to be late he lets me know because I plan our dinners based on his schedule (we rarely see each other some days, so we make sure dinner is always just toe 2 of us).

    Getting annoyed over asking something as simple as 'eta' is stupid and makes me think he has something hide. But that's just my skeptical, cynical side speaking.

  • He doesn't understand that he could be dead in a gutter somewhere, does he?
  • I text my husband almost every day, "Home soon?", around the time he gets out of work. He's never been mad: he knows I want to know if he's in transit, so if there's an accident or something, I'll be looking for him. 

    Why is he annoyed? He was over an hour late, with no call, no text?! Not cool. 
  • H calls me every day when he's on his way home because 1) I know if he's not home in 25 minutes, something could be wrong, and 2) I can have lunch ready at the right time.  If it's getting late and he hasn't called, I call him and he doesn't get annoyed.

    I vote crankypants.
  • It's also his fault he didn't turn his ringer off.  So there.  VALIDATED.
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