I really want to be able to focus on my husband the day of the wedding, but worry that in all the busy-ness and schedules, friends and family from out of town wanting to spend time with us, and then the excitement of the party, exhaustion after a long day, etc., we'll end up not having any alone time (or being too tired at the end of the night to enjoy it). Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited for all of it, but I don't want us to "miss" enjoying each other and what the day means to us. So I've decided that we're going to schedule time between the ceremony and the reception (either before pictures or after). I think that I'll have my sisters put the gifts we've chosen for each other into our hotel room before the ceremony, and we'll have some refreshments set up for our wedding party to go and relax and cool down in another room (it'll be very hot during the ceremony). While they're cooling down we'll go and enjoy some alone time before re-joining the rest of our guests at the reception. I'm really looking forward to it and I think it'll give us a chance to take a break and a breather and then fully enjoy the rest of the evening. What do you guys think?? I realize that people may make dirty jokes about us sneaking away to our hotel room but I don't really care about that

I'll be a married woman after all!