My fiance and I are seriously considering a classy Las Vegas wedding (no Elvis included). Our families are in OR, so people could easily do a weekend trip to Las Vegas. We understand that it will most likely just be immediate family and best friends, due to the expense of travelling, but that doesn't bother us, because it's more important to have an amazing time with the people who are closer to us. We will also be paying and hosting the entire wedding on our own, so we want to do something that really excites us as a couple.
Everyone we have told is on board except for my only sister. She is pregnant and due in Sept. Her baby would be 10 months old during the wedding. I want her to either come with her husband and baby or if they can't do that to come by herself. My family would help pay her way. She basically said it's not going to happen and is upset that I would plan something that is difficult for her to go to.
Right now I'm planning on continueing the Vegas wedding and assuming she will find a way to make it. I feel like she is being unreasonable, but maybe I'm the one being unreasonable. Any advice on how to handle the situation?