Wedding Woes

Do you all hate the Hunger Games now, too?

I'm assuming that once I get around to seeing/reading something, it's officially no longer cool.  Well, I read that trilogy this weekend, and I'm up for discussion.

Re: Do you all hate the Hunger Games now, too?

  • hmonkeyhmonkey member
    Ninth Anniversary 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    i've only read the first one.  i'm sure everything ended up fine for katniss.

    btw, i think the best thing to come out of this is the katniss/peeta couple name: peeniss.
  • GBCKGBCK member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    I have only read the first book...but I did rather like it.

    It wasn't 'zomgs, ahmazing' but it was an good, fun, plot-driven piece that wasn't badly written.

    I do not want spoilers from books 2 and 3, I can kindle #2 for free...crap, tonight, yay!
  • i still like them.
    I mean, it's no Shades of Gray, but very good. ;-)
  • I'll let you know how I feel after FI's 11 year old drags me to it.  We're still in the bonding stage, so I think I have to take her.
  • I was going to ask if I'd like the movie after reading the books.  I mean, it was no Ursula LeGuin or anything, but I enjoyed it.  I thought it was especially refreshing to read a young adult book where the romance contained two good, viable choices for the girl, not one good choice and one wet noodle that she inexplicably yet obviously prefers (Twilight and Vampire Diaries, I'm looking in your direction).
  • Yes. you'll like the movie, and you'll understand the background/history much better than someone who hasn't read the books.  

    they keep to the story pretty closely, and the few changes that they make may help to enhance the experience. I thought the movie was very good.
  • Kuus, you know discussion of THG is all over the libertarian-osphere, right? Check my FB for articles I've reposted, but I'm sure you know why. I'm surprised you didn't like it more for just that reason. 

  • I felt like the first book stood on its own really well. The second and third books almost tell a completely different story. But yeah, it is nice to read a YA series where the romance is secondary to the plot. Although to tell you the truth I didn't want her to end up with either of the guys.
  • Duckis, I kind of wanted her to end up happily sandwiched between them.
  • I enjoyed it.  I also enjoyed that at the end, I'm still not sure I buy Katniss loves Peeta, but he's just the familiar and easy and the only person that can really understand somewhat the things she lived through.

    yes, the movie is a pretty good adaptation of the book.
  • Kuus!

    ::Clutches pearls and fans self::
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