Feel free to ignore this if you don't like baby posts. I think I just need to let this out and vent and be happy all at the same time.
We went for the first ultrasound this past Friday. Of course, we were all yay we get to see the tiny baby!
The u/s tech couldn't find a heartbeat and the fetal pole only measured 6 weeks 1 day. Now, we knew I wasn't 10 weeks, so we waited a couple weeks to go back for the u/s. Which *guess-timated would be closer to 7-8 weeks.
Y'all, it was the worst day evar. I know it would have seemed dramatic and whatever to me a few years ago, or if it wasn't me. But it is so terrible when the tech can't find a HB. Not even a faint flutter.
Anyway, they basically said we'll run a blood test to check out HCG levels, etc. Come back Monday, if everything progresses, we will see a flutter/HB then.
The nurse promised to call as soon as the blood tests came back on Friday, so we could deal either way over the weekend.
Nurse never called. Then I couldn't get anyone, because they were closed early on Friday. Scared me turned into a
pissed me. Someone says they will do something, I expect it. That's just me though.
Ultrasound on Monday showed 6 weeks 0 days (tiny so the measurements are close?) and a faint flutter, but tech was able to detect 82 bpm. Yay! But they were still kinda like, ok that shows progress. We need you to come back in on Wednesday, because they hoped to see a bpm of 100-105.
TMI, but today was a day of OMG get to the restroom to puke NOW kind of days. So, I feel somewhat better about it.
Several people say the office was too doom and gloom and should have left it as "it's just too early". Not "we're a little worried". And that the nurse didn't call back as we were told she would.
IDK. I'm a little frazzled at the moment to make a decision about the dr's office in general.
If you read that, kudos to you. I just needed to whatev.