By the cops. UGH. The cops here are getting so freaking trigger happy. Granted, they deal with the unsavory areas and characters, who I don't count on to take care of socializing their dogs, let alone keeping them restrained, vetted, fixed, etc. So I know they do come across a lot of agressive dogs on chains or broken off of them, who do charge and attack them, but damn if there haven't been so many stories here recently of dogs just being shot because they're seen running loose.
Apparently the dog was loose (looks to be someone's dog, in some capacity, b/c he's not super thin, and is very friendly), and jumped up on a lady, knocked her down and she broke her ankle. They think it was just a playful jump, as he's only about 8-9 months old, and very friendly. But the cop shot him, in the back. It looks terrible, you can see the entrance wound, where it went through the top of his back (looks to be mostly surface wound), and exit wound.
Dude is just as sweet as he can be, wiggling and giving kisses. He wasn't thrilled about being crated, but has quieted down now, poor thing. The rescue who pulled him is taking him to the vet in the morning (he saw one briefly today and was given pain meds and antibiotics, but they want to get him x-rays, etc tomorrow). So, Casa ilove has an extra dog for the time being. *sigh*
But, I'm still job searching, and literally home all day. We've got an extra crate, and he would have been put down if someone couldn't pull him out of animal control today. He won't be here too long, hopefully he'll be treated and cleared by the vet and then fostered by someone who can keep him longer term, or taken to the no kill shelter.