Wedding Woes


So, my situation is very stressful, and I simply must vent.
My fiance is in the Navy. Right now he's going through a very tough schooling, for twelve hours a day, and he sleeps for 8 to ten hours, to only go back to work, and then repeat, seven days a week for the next four months. I have probably only talked to him for a few minutes for the last two weeks.
I'm planning on a very simple wedding. Most of the people in my church have volunteered things, or things are extreamly cheap. My dress, for instance, only cost me thirty dollars. It's not traditional, but neither am I.
However, for this entire wedding, I've not only been in the dark, but I've been pretty much alone with this. I HATE not being able to consider what he wants, but the wedding is in only four months. So many things have to be taken care of... and now I feel so out of it. Like I'm sad, kinda... I'm not having cold feet, or second thoughts or anything... because I love him, so much. I'm happy with him, and I want to be married to him. All of these things happening lately, though... I just feel so bleh.
I dunno. There's my venting. Thanks, everyone. =]

Re: Ranting

  • I feel for you. Although I do not have a military FI, I have felt very alone in the whole wedding planning process. My parents are totally un-involved with anything when it comes to our wedding. My FI and I live out of state, away from even his parents and our friends who are a big support. I don't even have my sister or any girlfriends here that can help me go out and shop for stuff so I either drag him along or I go alone.

    You will get through it. Weddings can be stressful and overwhelming, but just try not to let it get the best of you. I know I am a good one to talk bc I have let it get to me more than once now, but find something that you can do to take your mind off of it and give yourself of break every once in a while. Good luck, everything always works out in the end.
  • nana9nana9 member
    I know exactly what you mean. My daughter married a Marine 3 years ago and went through the same feelings of not being able to include him in the process. They were engaged 1 week before he left for boot camp. After boot camp he had 10 days leave then off to flight school for 9 months-a year.
    They decided to get married during his 10 day leave. That gave us 12 weeks to plan the whole thing. She was only able to talk to him twice, for a few minutes each time during the planning. She made it her mission to add little touches to the wedding that he would appreciate. For example: she ordered a K-bar (big knife) with thier names, his rank, and the wedding date engraved on it to be used to cut the cake....he LOVED it!
    It's the little things that mean the most.....happy planning, I'm sure it will be lovely!
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