So, my situation is very stressful, and I simply must vent.
My fiance is in the Navy. Right now he's going through a very tough schooling, for twelve hours a day, and he sleeps for 8 to ten hours, to only go back to work, and then repeat, seven days a week for the next four months. I have probably only talked to him for a few minutes for the last two weeks.
I'm planning on a very simple wedding. Most of the people in my church have volunteered things, or things are extreamly cheap. My dress, for instance, only cost me thirty dollars. It's not traditional, but neither am I.
However, for this entire wedding, I've not only been in the dark, but I've been pretty much alone with this. I HATE not being able to consider what he wants, but the wedding is in only four months. So many things have to be taken care of... and now I feel so out of it. Like I'm sad, kinda... I'm not having cold feet, or second thoughts or anything... because I love him, so much. I'm happy with him, and I want to be married to him. All of these things happening lately, though... I just feel so bleh.
I dunno. There's my venting. Thanks, everyone. =]