Wedding Woes

Nico - let's talk Breaking Bad

I liked getting more backstory about how Jesse and Walt got started. The strip club scene was hilarious.

Sklyer looks like a man to me. I don't like her or her story line right now.

Hank is an idiot. I'm guessing it is going to take some time to find Heisenburg. He is such a bitter Betty about Mexico - and he shouldn't be - if he decided not to go back. I wonder if Hank knows who Jesse is?

OoooOOOOOooo - Gus totally used Jesse. I wonder what is going to happen to Jesse. If he tries to cook Walt's meth, I'm pretty sure Gus will have him killed. Well, maybe not, if he doesn't try to move his product into Mexico, right?

LOVE LOVE LOVE the new lab. So shiny!


Re: Nico - let's talk Breaking Bad

  • nicoleg1982nicoleg1982 member
    edited December 2011
    Agreed on all parts.  But I don't think this is the end of the road (cue Boyz II Men) for Walt and Jesse - there's going to be a lot more there.  I am really thrilled they showed how the RV came into existence and Hank is hot on Jesse's tail.  I think Hank DOES know about Jesse b/c when Walt went missing, Hank went to Jesse's momma's house.  Remember?

    Anyways... I'm loving it and just waiting for Walt to pull that mask back on.  You know he's gonna do it.  The new lab is saaaaahweet!
  • edited December 2011
    Hmmm....I don't remember anything about Jesse's mom. I'm going to have to go back and do my homework.

    I, too, like the backstory of the RV.

    Walt and Jesse are always going to have a storyline - they are the glue of this show. It is going to be interesting because now Jesse is somewhat obsolete (and Saul told him as much) now that Gus is in charge of distrubution. I wonder how he is going to fit in now?

    As much as I love this show, and what it is doing for AMC, I wish they would stop running ads for it non-stop during the other programs.
  • nicoleg1982nicoleg1982 member
    edited December 2011
    Here's one thing I didn't understand.  Where's the baby?  Did Walt hijack the baby and leave the divorce papers?  And what's Skyflea going to do now?  File them?
  • edited December 2011
    I thought the baby was with the sister?

    You're right - it'll be interesting to see what Skylar does with the papers now that she has them. She seems like she is in a place where she doesn't want to make any decisions.

    Also, if Walt made all that money for his family - why did he take it with him? Also, where is he? Living in the lab? Does he have the baby? I don't think so, or Skylar would have been more upset.
  • nicoleg1982nicoleg1982 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm all seriously cornfuzzled by the whole baby thing.  IDK.

    And I do wonder where Walt went with all of that $$.  

    I think Walt was right to sign the papers - he became a criminal to support his family.  Skank became a whore to hurt Walt.  Big difference IMO.
  • edited December 2011

    I love that Skank is sleeping around to hurt Walt and he's all, "meh."

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