MAC discontinued my concealer. (I hate you MAC) I sent DH to pick some up for me (because he's super nice and works at a mall w/ a MAC counter & Sephora) and they gave him something else that was "close" to it but it has silicone in it, so I'm returning it because silicone makes me break out. I need something w/ very full coverage for super oily skin. My skin is freaking out on me right now, I'm covered w/ huge painful deep zits (including one the size of a dime that would make Busy proud). I'm hormonal and zitty- not a good combo

Of course, I don't have time to drive out to the mall that has a Sephora so I'll have to guess on color. These were two that I'm looking at trying out... give me suggestions. Drugstore makeup doesn't hold up on this skin.