Wedding Woes

my SS came from


it had in it:
-rated on a 5 for pure awesomeness, some monogrammed coasters for us
-loose leaf tea (which is a christmas blend, actually a kind I like)
-a battery operated self-twirling spaghetti fork
-2 books (room and Mole people--mole people was actually on my amazon list so, yay, useful :)
-a bag of gobstopper candies
-a somewhat hideous key-hanger-thingy that I am plotting ways to craftily-re-purpose.
-Some (I assume DIY) glitter ornaments (one was pre-crushed as a way of sending me a skinsuit warning message.  That or the lady at the post office shook my box really hard just for fun


(uh, the whiskey in the picture did not come from SS
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