Wedding Woes

s/o awkward, that debate was hard to watch at times.

i know Varuna and Pmeg had their own running commentary down the page here, but i didn't participate last night. i was busy hitting rewind and running back to the kicthen to make brownies with caramel chips.

i did not like Mr. Moderator.

I also found it awkward that he kept asking them to point out how they are different. very annoying.

Re: s/o awkward, that debate was hard to watch at times.

  • Worst moderator ever.  Not only did he not control those candidates (and shame on both candidates for talking over him), his questions were mostly terrible.  The debators are suppose to answer his question, alternate rebuttals and move on.  I was yelling at the screen a lot last night.

    I agree with the, "How are you different?" question as well.  Um...have them answer your danged question in the first place and that's how it's different.  Adurr.
  • I admit that I did not watch. I know I would have ended up frustrated, annoyed and ready to punch someone and figured I could get a recap today.   It's not like the debate would have changed my opinion of either one of them anyway.
    Also, there was important baseball on.   Go Tigers!
  • DK insisted on watching. I ignored it because i was eating dinner and my mom called about 15minutes in so i left the room. 

    I did my impression of the debate for her, which sounded a lot like the teacher from the Peanuts cartoons. 

  • What AF said, only no baseball. And I reiterate whst i've said before. I am thankful for varuna's debate watching and pseudo tweeting so I don't have to :D
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  • WzzWzz member
    2500 Comments 250 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    i'm hoping that they prepare better for #2 and #3.
  • Hah!  I had to close down Twitter last night.  3000 tweets per SECOND last night re: the debates.  It was too much.  I finally just had my own feed open and laughed at Wil Wheaton and Sarcastic Rover's takes on the debates.  Between WW and FB, I had enough opinions spewing.  :)

    I'm just really disappointed in the entire fiasco.  It's making me dread the town hall format.

    I'm very curious to know why President O wasn't on his game though.  Michele even looked nervous last night and he just looked ill for a large part of it.  He pepped up a bit around the late middle, but faltered again.  Some commentators have suggested he might've had difficulties w/the altitude.
  • I was so frustrated after that debate that I yelled at DH for about 20 min before going to bed because  he was (quote) "the only white republican peen I can yell at".   DH wanted to snuggle and I was all, "I'm too fired up to snuggle!"

  • I was chasing DS around the house and doing laundry during the debate/WW live blog of it. And honestly- I didn't miss much in those times. Very telling. I think Obama was way to polite and he seemed out of it. Mitt attacked more but he didn't do much to advance his own causes. Also I hate when both candidates say "a woman in Oklahoma was telling me" things. No, no one cares about what that woman says. Because it sounds made up.
  • WzzWzz member
    2500 Comments 250 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    the people they once met in Oklahoma always sounds made up. i don;t buy it.

    and Obama was way too polite and spoke to softly and slowly. i found myself forgetting the point halway through the monologues.
  • Maybe Obama needed to poop.
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