Wedding Reception Forum

Candy Bar or Photobooth?

Bit of a dilemma. My mom is paying for about 90% of the wedding. We are paying for our photographer and the wedding party limo. We were looking for something fun to add to the reception, and my mom and wedding planner suggested a candy bar, which of course my FI was totally on board with because he has a gigantic sweet tooth, and I also really like the idea as most of my side of the family does as well (me not so much, but whatever, it's for the guests!) We also just went to a wedding show last weekend and there was a photobooth company there. They had some great deals for weddings, plus if we book it by the end of the month, we get 25% off. My mom and FI think both are awesome ideas, but we can only choose one because we're on a pretty strict budget.
We live in a fairly small town on the west coast of Vancouver Island, BC, and it's the only photobooth company that will come into town without charging you a fee for travel, and the price is definitely more than a candybar, but every wedding I've been too with a photobooth as been so much fun. They have great props that they supply, and every guest gets 2 copies of 3 photos per person. Anywho (sorry didn't mean for it to be this long..) what do you ladies think? Photobooth or Candy bar?
(Also, before anyone mentions it, I know I'm not getting married until over a year from now, but we have to make a decision by the end of the month because the photobooth company books up over a year in advance)
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Re: Candy Bar or Photobooth?

  • I'm a bit biased...I always vote anything to do with sweets! But I think that guests would enjoy it more--plus don't you want your guests partying it up with you, dancing, and enjoying the food and drink you're already providing rather than getting distracted posing for photos that will likely be thrown away at some point in time? I don't know, just my opinion.
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  • I've been to one wedding with a photobooth, and I honestly didn't get all the hype over them. It was fun for like 10 seconds, but I felt like there were things that the bride and groom could have used that money for that would have made the wedding more fun for everyone, if ya know what I mean. 

    On the same note, a candy bar can end up being wasteful if people don't eat the candy, and then you've spent money on something that wasn't fully utilized. But between the two, I'd choose candy :)

    We opted for neither of these and are instead having a "midnight" snack of milkshakes, brownies, and french fries. That's another fun option.
  • We actually had both.  I can't decide which was better but if I had to I'd choose the photobooth so you have have keepsake photos.
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  • I voted candy bar.  A candy bar would be significantly cheaper than a photobooth.  Even if you are getting a photobooth for 25% off, it would still be significantly more.  I think a candy bar would be fun, and if you wanted you could even use it for favors.
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  • fallbride1109fallbride1109 member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited March 2012
    I had the same dilemma and went with the candy bar because DH really didn't understand the whole photo booth thing.  And while a candy bar is cheaper, they aren't cheap.  I did a candy bar and mini-champagne bottle favors which combined were probably only a little less than a photobooth.   So sometimes I wish I had just done the photobooth.

    All that said, I think as a guest I prefer candy.  Like the PP said, a photobooth is fun for that few minutes or so but then it's over.  As a guest, I love looking at the candy bar, picking out what I want, eating it, etc.  That is more fun to me.  It is also a very nice decor item so that is something to think about.  I guess just decide which one you prefer. 

    Maybe even poll your friends that are coming--ask them which one they'd rather see.  I actually did that when trying to decide between a candy bar or favors--all my guests said candy.
  • I voted photobooth - I can get candy every time I go to a store - I can't get pictures with my date in our dressy clothes at any time.  FWIW - I think both options are a waste of money though.
  • I'm going to have a candy bar at mine.  There's no room for a photobooth where I'm having my reception.  Plus the candy bar is more visually appealing and most people like candy.  Plus you could easily have bags around it and use it for a favor.  
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  • I really wanted to do a photobooth, but ran out of money. Candy bars are cute & fun for the moment, but that's it. If there are kids, then the kids are hyped up on sugar, running crazy. I have a huge sweet tooth also, but there is only so much candy you can eat without feeling sick. Plus, once it's's gone. A photobooth pic you get to keep. I feel that it's much more fun & interactive. My vote is for photobooth! 
  • I voted for photo booth.  The pictures are something the guests can take home and keep for awhile.  I don't think either option is a waste of money; they only add to the fun of the reception.
  • osh99osh99 member
    I'm having both at my wedding, but I am doing the candy bar on my own.  I am able to save about $200 and have my candy bar however long I would like by doing that.  My DJ gave me a great deal on the photo booth, so that comes with my DJ.  I really wanted the candy bar, because it is our favors also and we were able to save money that way.  But, I really wanted both and my dad was nice enough to cave (I have saved him a lot of money in other areas though)!
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  • I vote photobooth.   I can get candy anytime.   The photobooths are a cute way to keep people occupied... and everyone can take home a little keepsake photo.  In my experience, people have a lot of fun with them.

    You could also do both.  Candy really isn't that expensive if you are buying it in bulk.  You could do a mini-candy bar.  You don't have to put out a TON of candy...  because not everyone will eat it. 
  • I voted photobooth. I think they are fun and and interactive for your guests. You can have candy whenever you want.
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  • Candy bar will be way cheaper than you think it would be.  It's Easter season.  Wait till afterward and stock up.  Most of the candy will be 50-90% off.  I did this after Valentines day and ended up with bags of 200 count hershey kisses for $1.

    2500 total pieces of various types of candy < $15.

    You can be the apathocary jars at Michael's.  Use the 40% coupon and they're pretty cheap.  Or just go with a standard vase from your local Target/Walmart.
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  • yellowrose314yellowrose314 member
    100 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited March 2012
    Thanks everyone for your input! I totally didn't think about buying discounting candy after holidays, that's a great idea! So maybe I can do both... I have a dozen or more vases lying around all shapes in sizes so I wouldn't even have to buy them... Awesome! You ladies are fantastic:)
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  • I am having both... But I voted candy buffet, because if I had to choose, I rather feed my guests more ( even if it's candy).
  • I voted photobooth. But i am having both. I am actually making my own photobooth. I am outting up a backdrop and somekind of lettering that says our names and the date. I also bought a ladice with lights on it. I plan on decorating it alil more with tulle and or my flower. I have bought a variety of props also. masks, hats lei's, glasses, boas, etc. I am buyin a bunch of disposable cameras for people to take each others pictures. I have spent approx $300 on all of this stuff. I bought most of the supplies thru oriental trading and amazon.
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