I'm having a cocktail style reception with appetizers/fruit platters, plus the cake. The reception starts at 3:30, and goes until about 5:30, so people should be okay with just appetizers.
But what do I call it on the invitation? I feel that if I put "Cocktail Reception Immediately Following" some people will think there will be alcohol, which is a major no-no (the wedding is at my church).
If I put "Cake reception Immediately Following", people might think it's just cake, and it's not. People at my church have been known to not attend weddings if there is just cake served - shallow, true. Nothing I can do about it.
If I put plain old "Reception immediately following", people might think there is dinner (yes - some people serve full meals at 3:30 receptions - I just went to one this past weekend).
Suggestions appreciated!