Wedding Reception Forum

Father-daughter dance questions

What's most important to you for your father-daughter dance? Is it that the song is meaningful from when you were a child? Are the lyrics of most importance to you? Should it be a certain type of music? And most importantly, the issue that I'm actually having myself, if the lyrics of a song speak to you more than other songs and are more 'accurate' in the specific details, would it matter to you that it's a type of music that both you and your father or daughter don't listen to? Specifically, this song sounds country, but we really usually don't like country. So... what's your view on the father-daughter song choice?

Re: Father-daughter dance questions

  • I didn't put that much choice into it. I asked my dad and he picked a song. Done. It was country. I don't like country, but he does, so who cares.
  • That much thought into it. Ugh, I need a nap.
  • I think if the lyrics are right then is should not matter what type of music it is. Country is emotional, so is a Father-Daughter dance. I think it fits well! Who cares if its not your normal genre of choice. Go for it!
  • I'm letting my dad decide. But if I had my choice i'd choose littler surfer girl by the beach boys. That was a childhood song that he ALWAYS played for me. Who knows what he'll pick, and I think i'd be fine with almost anything.
  • My little girl by Tim Mcgraw is a beautiful song too! I know it's country, but a lot of country songs are nice for that sort of stuff without being sexual.
  • I told my dad he could decide, as long as it wasn't "Butterfly Kisses."  He was very disappointed, but I told him that I didn't want to puke on his shoes during our special moment.Of course, now we've cut out dancing altogether, so there you go.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • Thanks all. That was something else i noticed, too, that so many of the songs people use for father-daughter dances actually are romantic or sexual, and it's so weird to me. If I ever at one point thought the song was intended for a spouse, I definitely don't want to use it for a dance with my dad.  Thanks again
  • I agree with megan I think I know what song it is and its really good. I thought it was called "I loved her first" its not sexual or romantic its more sentimental definately a great father-daughter song thats what I chose for mygrandfather and I to dance to.
  • i picked a song that my dad played a lot, that i liked to dance to when i was little. it is not sexual (which is important and apparently hard to find) but it is also not a slow song at all. we are going to slow dance to it anyway because my dad thinks the song is "cool". i think the lyrics are about pollution and human waste. but i dont particularily care. its a 2 minute song. (fyi: its "monkeys gone to heaven" by the pixies.)
  • How about "Forever Young" by Bob Dylan?
  • We did "my girl" and it was really cute, at least we thought so!
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