Wedding Reception Forum

reception alcohol

I got married on Friday and we had a great time! Yet, I continue to analyze the entire day (I do this for everything). At our reception we hosted beer and wine throughout the night (5 kinds of wine). At the time I didn't think much of it. I am not a big drinker and my family does not drink. Most of our friends drink beer or wine. Now I am starting to feel terrible about this. Should we have hosted an open bar? Again, I didn't give it a lot of thought before hand (probably read somewhere that beer and wine were fine and when the reception site agreed that was acceptable, we went ahead with it). 99% of the day went great! I wish I could stop worrying. Ang

Re: reception alcohol

  • why worry about something done 3 days ago that you can't change?beer and wine are fine
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

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  • If I read your post correctly you had an open bar with beer and wine (guests paid for nothing)...I am doing the same thing and see nothing wrong with it. We're choosing to not do hard liquor due to cost and we don't want to deal with the behaviors that often arise due to the hard stuff. I've always thought that as long as you're not asking your guests to pay for liquor whatever you provide is fine. I hope I'm reading your post correctly and I'm glad your day went so well!
  • Sorry I wasn't clear. We hosted beer and wine (and of course pop) all night. There was hard alcohol behind the bar, so people would have had to pay for that. But it was presented as...the bride and groom are hosting beer and various wines. We went through quite a bit, so it must have gone over OK. I guess a few people probably paid for hard liquor, but I think most drank the hosted beverages. Again, I probably didn't give it enough thought.
  • Don't fret over this a second more. You offered a hell of a lot more than many brides cough up the dough for and it was more than enough.
  • Beer and wine are totally fine. Focus on the great parts!
  • If many of the guests aren't big drinkers then what you did is more than enough. Even if they were big drinkers, it's your day. It's over with don't worry about it! Think about the amazing parts!
  • Beer and wine are great!  Stop worrying about things you can't change.  Just enjoy the beautiful day and memories that you have!Congratulations by the way!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ok...I'm not sure why you're worrying...did someone say something? Did you have a ton of open bottles of wine left?  Why would you think it was a bad idea now?Not so sure people are sitting around today going, "OMG, can you believe that I only had 5 different wines to choose from?  I mean, why didn't she have 7? Ugh!"Yeah, no, I don't think so...1. The fact that you had alcohol at all....thank you2. Beer and wine for FREE....................thank you3. A choice of beer and wine for FREE... thank you4. Hard liquor if they wanted it..............thank youUmmmm....100% of your day was great!  Post pics please...would love to see it!Congrats!  
  • Five types of wine? Hoe many kinds of beer? I think beer and wine with a variety of both is perfectly appropriate.
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