I now can order table linen for my table but not sure what sizes to get and what prices but of potential decoration issues. The issue being that the reception is outside in grass. Originally, I was going to get lap length tablecloths for the guest tables which there are 16 tables. All tables are rectangle as I can rent them for free. I wanted to get 8 rectangle floor length tablecloths for the parent's tables (2 tables next to either side of the head table), 3 for the caterer to use, 1 for the DJ, and one for the gifts/ guestbook, and 1 for my "cocktail hour" table/ favors. There will only be 2 circle tables; our head table and the cake table and they will be floor length.The deal; I'm buying all the table cloths from Smarty Had A Party as it is cheaper than renting and sell them off later. Smarty pricing for tablecloths would come out a better deal for me if I purchased all floor lengths instead of the mix I mention above.Would it be tacky to have all floor lengths table cloths outside?