Wedding Reception Forum

Grooms Cake

I would love to surprise my fiance with a grooms cake.  I was going to do it at the wedding reception but I worry it will be dessert overload since we are already having a wedding cake and sweet table.  Would I be stepping on my future in-laws toes if I asked if I could have the cake at the rehearsal dinner?  They are paying for the whole thing. 

Re: Grooms Cake

  • Talk to them and see. Explain that you would love to surprise him, but also say something like, "Since you're being kind enough to host the dinner for us, then of course you should have the final say in what's for dessert."

    I don't see any harm in asking.
  • I agree with pp - Just talk to them. We had my DH's groom's cake at the RD, but his Mom surprised him with it.

  • I agree - just talk it over with his parents first, but I couldnt imagine why they would have any problems with it.   I agree with mbcdefg , just find a nice and polite way to ask them and see what they have to say.

    It doesnt hurt to try,.

  • jwildinjwildin member
    First Comment
    edited February 2010
    I am having my groom's cake at the rehearsal dinner.  SInce his mom is paying for the rehearsal dinner I asked her about it and she said that she didn't even think about having it not at the reception but she loved the idea!  It is going to be a huge surprise and then he will have more time to enjoy it than having to worry about all of the hub-bub of the reception!  Just talk to them and I am sure they won't have a problem with it.
  • I did it at the RD.  FILs were paying, and I approached them about doing one.  I was willing to pay for it, and I had offered to.  But they wound up loving the idea and they paid for it.
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