
What did you give your parents?

Good Morning! I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for a give for our parents? I was thinking maybe an overnight stay at a B&B and dinner or something along thoses lines. Does anyone have any unique ideas?? Thanks so much

Re: What did you give your parents?

  • edited December 2011
    We are doing a weekend getaway as well.
  • edited December 2011
    I need some help on this as well.I can't do getaways, since both sets of parents are divorced/separated, and neither are remarried.Any ideas on gifts for individual parents (not photobooks, since they are paying for their own since they all want upgrades and offered to pay for their own?)
  • ButtonsPepperButtonsPepper member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    So far I have my mom.I'm paying for her dress/hair/make up. This is WAYYY more then I wanted to spend on a parent (the dress alone was way more) but she was so unhappy with her dress/make up/hair at my brothers wedding, I wanted to do something really special for her, and not have money be an issue (she has a real hard time spending money on herself). Still no clue what to get my dad, FFIL, FMIL, and FMIL husband who, has done a lot for us (throwing engagement party at his restaurant etc.).
  • edited December 2011
    My dad is a HARD CORE Philly sports fan, especially the Eagles.  I thought maybe about getting him tickets, and maybe enough to go with FI and I.  Either that, or something for the Eagles room he is redoing.FFIL- no clue.  I really have no freaking idea, he's so hard to buy for.  The only remote idea I had was something for his woodshop (he does carpentry as a hobby), but he has most everything, and things most people can't think of.FMIL- hard, but not as hard as FFIL.  I was either thinking something crafty (she likes to crossstitch and knit and crochet) or something from the 100th anniversary line of gifts for Boy Scouts (that's the only thing she volunteers with, and does ALOT with it).My mom- I honestly have no idea.  I really am thinking about a day at a spa.  Problem with my mom is that I love her so much, no gift seems "good enough".  Plus, she tends to be wishy washy.  Another really good idea that I had that would probably take the time is digitalizing ALL of her old photos, and putting all the videos from the cassettes to the comp, and editing them, and putting all the videos and pics on an external harddrive, so in case something happens like a fire, she can grab that and have all the important stuff.  I know that she has talked about paying someone to do it, and it would mean so much to her.Ugh, who would have thought it would be so difficult- we do it every year for Christmas!
  • edited December 2011
    Are parent albums not acceptable? That's what I was thinking.
  • Kernel14Kernel14 member
    edited December 2011
    We got our parents South West gift cards (and my mom is single, for those who are worried about parents who aren't together, etc.). DH's parents like to go to Florida and my mom has cousins she likes to visit in NC and we got them the gift cards so they book their own flights whenever they wanted. So its sorta like a weekend getaway but on their own terms.
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  • tracyd21tracyd21 member
    edited December 2011
    I got our moms each a piece of Belleek china to remind them of our wedding day - we got married on Halloween, so it is a pumpkin candle holder. Got my dad a new watch, since the one he wears is from before I was born. For Christmas, we gave them each a really nice digital picture frame and a flash drive of all our wedding photos. They LOVED this gift!
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