Wedding Reception Forum

Beer & Wine vs. Open Bar? Thoughts?

So one thing that my Fiance and I were adament about was having a full open bar.  We found the perfect venue- it's a big open empty space type hall.  We were hiring a bartender etc.  However, we just got the contract from the venue and were set to sign it and just found out that they do not allow hard liquor- only beer and wine.  So, now we don't know what to do.  Neither of us are big drinkers, but when we do drink, we like to have the hard stuff lol.  Mixed drinks - rum & coke.  That kinda thing.  I'm not a fan of beer or wine myself, although my fiance likes beer and I will drink it if that's all there is.  Do you think our guests will be disappointed?  Any thoughts?  We really don't want to change venues, but it's kind of that big of a deal to us....  
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