
F.U.E.L. House and National Constitution Center

Hi all,Just starting the planning process and looking for a unique reception site in center city. I am looking for reviews from anyone who has had or has been to a wedding at either of these sites, or any other unique venue in the city you want to share with me. Thanks for your help!

Re: F.U.E.L. House and National Constitution Center

  • edited December 2011
    We are having out wedding at FUEL in November. I have never attended a wedding there but we wanted an alternative indoor venue and it really is a beautiful space.
  • edited December 2011
    I went to a wedding at the National Constitution Center a few years ago. I liked it a lot, we took pictures with the signers statues, she threw her bouquet from the top and we all went down on the main floor. It was a Catholic wedding with a gap and we got in for free to look around the museum. It was my fist time there and I'm a huge history nerd so I enjoyed that part. The view of Independence Mall was great, it was a few days after Christmas and everything had light still.
  • edited December 2011
    Jewels just had her wedding at FUEL, might want to page her if she doesn't see this.I went to a wedding last year at FUEL. It was beautiful, and the space is great. The only thing that I didn't like is that dinner was upstairs, then they waited for everyone to be finished before moving things downstairs for dancing to start.
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