Wedding Reception Forum

XP: 10/20/12 Briar Patch Bed & Breakfast

My fiance has had a change of heart and we will be postponing our wedding indefinitely.  We were booked for the weekend of 10/20/2012 at Briar Patch Bed & Breakfast in Middleburg, VA (Northern VA).  We put down a 50% deposit and if they do not re-book this weekend, we forfeit the deposit.  This was in the contract when I signed it and I knew about it, but I obviously had no idea my fiance would cancel.

Just thought I'd advertise this place and this weekend in case anyone is in the market.  They have been incredibly responsive and helpful while I have had questions and I can't say enough good things about them.  It's family-owned and absolutely beautiful.">
White Knot
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