Wedding Reception Forum

Help please!!!!

So I am planning to use these candelabras on my long reception tables. I want two on each end plus a vase in the middle. I am stuck on the style or type of vase I should use. Any ideas?? Also I'm trying to go for a mexican/ vintage theme. I don't know if that helps because it doesn't help me :)" alt="" />

Re: Help please!!!!

  • I would search Michaels, Marshalls, Ross and and maybe TJ Maxx.  Ross usually has a lot of vases for pretty cheap and you can probably find a good one there.
    2 of us- a bunch of you! Celebrating the whole night through!
  • Ooh, pretty!

    Some of the key elements of design are:  scale, balance, contrast, repetition, harmony, rythym, etc...  

    So a vase that is low and round sort of repeats the round shape on the crystals and offers a contrast in height.  The alternating heights of the candelabra and vases will provide rythym to help things flow together. 

    Or, a flared vase is kind of like the long teardrop portion of the crystals on your candelabra, only turned upside down. But it still repeats the shape/style. 
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