My entire family will be coming in from out of town for my wedding the end of June. They aren't familiar with the area (Reading) and unfortunately, not all staying at the same hotel. There will be about a 2 hour window between the ceremony and the reception. And it will only take guests about 10 minutes to travel from one location to the next. I was thinking of setting up some sort of activity for guests to participate in...there is a historical site (The Reading Pagoda) about a mile from the reception site that offers group tours.
My thoughts were to set up a pre-arranged tour and pass the info along to everyone in attendance. Of course, this all depends on the size of the tours that they offer, timing and cost.
Has anyone every done this for their guests? Was it successful? Depending on the cost, I was thinking that as long as it was $100 or less...if no one participated, I would just think of it as a donation to the group that runs the site.
"But the most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just Fabulous." - Carrie Sex and the City