
if you came into some money...

...sometime in the not-too-distant future after your wedding, would you try to reimburse your parents for their wedding contributions?  Or just accept that the wedding was their gift to you and use the money towards paying off some debt and a home?

Re: if you came into some money...

  • edited December 2011
    use the money to buy a house/pay debt. My parents wouldnt accept money from me.
  • edited December 2011
    ditto ice
  • edited December 2011
    First, I would offer to repay my parents. If they don't take the money then I would put it to debt/house.
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  • edited December 2011
    If I won the powerball, sure, my parents would accept as I would have alot. But if I somehow got let's say 50K, they wouldn't. Think of all the things you will need it for - whether it is a downpayment, work on your house, building up your emergency fund, a college fund for your kids, etc.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks.  And yes, definitely not talking about powerball money, but the potential for a decent amount and when I start thinking about what we could do with it, it disappears quickly.I think you're right and they wouldn't accept it anyway.  But maybe instead of offering money, I'll set a certain amount aside and rent a beach house or something for a family vacation to show our thanks. 
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto Sam, would depend on the amount of $$$
  • edited December 2011
    We might have this happen as well, delicate, and our parents have already told us that they do not want us to pay them back- they told us that they are contributing what they can afford, and that this is their gift to us.  We thought about it hard, though.Both sets of parents told us that they want us to be able to start out our life together on good footing.  They said use the money for things that will benefit both of us in better ways- like investing some for retirement, helping to pay for a house, putting a down payment on a car, etc.
  • edited December 2011
    I would try.  Not for wedding contributions, but for my college education.  Their loans are like a second mortgage.  They probably wouldn't accept the money anyway, but I would try to offer them some luxuries that they often deny themselves to pay the bills.
  • edited December 2011
    I would offer to pay them back, my parents would never accept it but I know IL's would. So, assuming it was enough, I'd pay off our debt, put away for son's college and then get my parents something.
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