Wedding Reception Forum

Theme Ideas?

I'm pretty sure that I will be all booked up my venue after the New Year--how exciting! This got me thinking to the next step: wedding themes. After seeing the awesome travel theme of another knottie's wedding pics that she graciously shared with me, I started thinking of any other fun and unique ways we can tie our interests in the day. 

I was considering including Yankee's elements and have a few ideas. We got engaged outside the Stadium and will be downgrading our ticket package to afford the wedding. But I don't want to go too overboard so we still keep the elegance of a wedding!  I was also thinking of a way to incorporate a police theme since FI's a cop.

As for my colors: I really want the girls to be in grey, but I'm not sure which accent color I want yet (debating between teal and purple).

Did anyone here incorporate a theme into your big day?

Re: Theme Ideas?

  • if you want to include yankees theme a cute idea would be to get baseballs with your names and wedding date printed on them and sit them in with the center piece. Lol I can't think of much that would go with police and baseball but maybe consider using navy as the accent color since it would fit both.
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    *Updated 1/21*
  • While I do appreciate and enjoy themed weddings, a little theme goes a long way.  Also, if you have a billion different themes going, it just looks disjointed, and counteracts the point of a theme, which is to unify everything. 

    We started with kind of an elaborate '30s Hollywood theme that was going to be structured more like a film premiere than a wedding, but the budget kind of collapsed.  So now we have just kind of a vaguely vintage feel, and a filmstrip motif that we're incorporating into the stationery and decor.

    The best part about a theme is that you can use it to focus your wedding planning.  Too many themes at play and that focus is lost. 
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • ditto aerin.  If the Yankees are important to you, then find a way to subtly incorporate that into your wedding.  Yankee logo on cookies for a CP.  Famous player jersey numbers for your table numbers.  Baseball tickets for your STDs.

    But remember, a little theme is good:  too much Yankees and it will look like an 8 year old boy's birthday party.

    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • Ditto Aerin as well: a little theme goes a long way.

    Get one or two subtle elements in there. Anything more than that and your wedding is very quickly going to start looking like an over-priced child's birthday party. I'm not trying to discourage the idea, but themes need to be delicately balanced because it's very easy to stumble into the "overkill" territory.

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  • And FWIW, my wedding is tomorrow and my theme is "We're Getting Married".  As in, we are "theme-less".

    The only real "cute" thing we did was our favors, which were little boxes of Jelly Bellys. Everything else we just kept very simple (Which also kept me very un-stressed about the wedding), and I already know everything's going to be lovely..

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
  • Okay, so I have looked at some girls planning bios who incorporated sports, etc as a theme. They were really cute, but it depends on how much you want to incorporate the yankees. I like the ideas of the baseballs..but it seems a little much. The cookie idea is good too. I would say also use navy as an accent color. The ticket save the dates is a cute idea too. But it all really depends on how much you want the yankees to reflect at your wedding. The cop idea would be hard...and I don't know how you would do that. If you tried to do the cop theme it might look a little weird with the yankees. You could have part of a table set up with a pic of Fi in cop uniform with logo of his police department incorporated. This could be a small nod to his profession.
  • FI is a HUGE Cubs fan, but I'm not about to have a Cubs themed wedding.  lol  We're doing a sil bout for him with blue & red flowers and a tiny baseball - but from afar it looks like a regular blue & red floral bout.  We'll also do a groom's cake (even though they're not done in our circle) so he can have his Cubs thing going on there too.  But that's the end of it. 

    My idea would be to save the Yankees thing for a shower, if you plan on having one.  You can do shower favors of peanuts & Cracker Jack and all that jazz and even wear a jersey if you want.  A Yankees theme can be fun.... I just don't see it as a wedding theme unless your wedding is going to be really low key and really informal.  And maybe do a groom's cake at the wedding in the shape of a badge or cop car. 
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