Wedding Reception Forum

Sunday Evening Wedding - Guests leaving early?

Our wedding is on Sunday, February 20, 2011 and the next day is President's Day - a holiday most people have off.  We are hoping the holiday keeps our guests at the party longer.

Currently we are scheduled to go from 6pm-11:30pm.  Would you stay that late even if you have a 30 min drive home?  Should we move the time up?

Re: Sunday Evening Wedding - Guests leaving early?

  • I haven't had president's day off since I was in high school.

    If I had to work the next day I'd probably be gone early no matter what.  If I didn't I'd only stay late if the party didn't suck.

  • same situation for us, but even still, not everyone has the next day off, and some people will be travelling back home on monday and won't want to be too tired.  end earlier.  you could after-party it for those still around and up for hanging out.
  • I would not stay that late on a typical Sunday evening, especially if I had to work the next day.  Not everyone gets President's day off, I don't.  But I am old, lazy, and can't party late like I used to, lol.

    If your guests are having a great time, and are local or don't have a long drive home, they might stay that late.  But don't take it personally if they leave a little earlier.

    If it were me, I'd try to start earlier and plan to wrap it up by 9:30 or 10.  I know it sounds lame and boring, but that's just the way it is.
  • I don't get President's Day off. I might stay til 9 if I had a 30 min drive home....but even that is pushing it. I have to get up at 5:20 every morning, and I shower at night, so staying late is not an option for me.

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  • I've never had Presidents Day off either since working full time, so I'd probably cut out early. FI and I attended a wedding last year that was on a Sunday and we had to leave before they even cut the cake because it was getting late and we both had to work in the morning. We were sad, but we said our goodbyes and congratulations one more time before leaving. 
  • I'm another one who doesn't get President's Day off (If you hadn't told me when it was, I wouldn't have been able to tell you myself) so I'd probably be out of there by 8:30, to be honest :-/
  • I think they only way you get presidents day off is if you work for the government, bank, or school.  I honestly wouldn't recommend any of the times above.  I think if the most important thing is to have everyone come, and stay, you should consider a brunch or afternoon wedding.  I have been to both and as long as they are done right, they can be very nice.  Going anywhere on a sunday at 5 or later would be more like a chore for me as opposed to looking forward to a fun celebration.
  • We are getting married the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend but our wedding is much earlier.  The ceremony is at 1pm and the reception is from 2:30pm to 7:30pm.  I would have had it later if I could have without leaving guests with a large gap btw the ceremony and reception.  Unfortunately the church has only designated times and so the 1pm ceremony was non negotiable.  I voted for the earlier time because although I have President's day off FI never does.  Also that way guests will eat dinner closer to dinner time and I still think 10:30 is late. 
  • You should set the time for whenever you want; I think that most people would stay regardless. But apart from bankers and postal workers, very few people get President's Day off.
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  • The only people I know who get President's Day off are teachers and the mailman. Even the courthouse is open on President's Day.  

    On a Sunday, I like to be home by 9, preferably earlier, so we'd probably leave at 8-8:30 if we had a 30 minute drive.

    I'd really suggest doing a Sunday afternoon instead.  Start at 1-2 and end at 6-7.  
  • Depends on your crowd. Dh and I are "night people," and we'd stay till the end, whenever that was  whether we had the next day off or not. A lot of our friends would too. But I do know some people who like to be home early on workdays, especially people with kids. So I think this is a situation where you really need to know your guests.

    FWIW, I've been to Sunday night weddings that have had full crowds till midnight or even later.
  • We do not get President's day off either.  But we do not work normal M-F jobs either so time would not be an issue for us.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Yeah, most people don't get that day off, so don't assume that they do. I like to be in bed by 10 on Sundays. I'd much rather attend an afternoon wedding than an evening one. It seems more appropriate, somehow, as well. Even if I didn't have to work, it would feel very odd to be staying out late at a party on Sunday. A nice brunch, however, would be very natural.
  • Do eveningi f you want to do evening.  Don't move it to morning or afternoon if thats not what you and FI want.  People who want to stay will stay.  I think that 5 to 10:30 is good.  Maybe 4:30 ceremony start and end at 10 pm so people with a half hour dirve will be home by 10:30pm.

    I get Pres Day off working for the city.  FI does hae a medical condition though that is affected by lack of sleep so he would grip about it a bit only because of that.
  • I can't remember if we get President's Day off.  Probably not.

    We have to get up around 4am for our jobs, so we're usually in bed by about 8:00 at the latest so we can get a full night's sleep.  So if we were invited to a Sunday night wedding that started at 5:00, we'd definitely be ducking out early.  If it started later than that, we'd just decline to attend.

    If the party is really good, people will probably stick around regardless of other obligations.  If the party isn't so great, people will duck out early whether or not they have to be up early the next day.  So if you want your guests to stick around, focus on throwing an awesome party.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • Most people don't get that day off actually.

    If your reception ended at 11:30 and we had a 30 minute drive home, we'd probably leave by 10pm.
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  • I'm getting married the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and most of our guests will be coming from out of town.  Our wedding is scheduled to start at 5 (the earliest the church could have it because of afternoon services) and we plan to end by 9pm.  This was done primarily as a courtesy to our guests, but also because we also want to have some time to ourselves on the wedding night to soak in the experience without heading straight to bed.  But we're not big partiers either, so that might influence people.

    By the way, my fiance and I are both teachers and neither of us get President's Day off.
  • I do think that people tend to leave earlier if they have to work the next day.  If you think that is the case and you really want to elongate your reception and extend people's stay, I would choose the 5:30 or even 5:00 option.  I don't think it is necessary to go earlier since these are adults (and if there are children, they will probably leave early anyways) and capable of being up an hour later and still be functional for work the next morning).  I would tend to shy away from the 6:00 start as it is pushing it a bit.

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