
Any ideas of where to go for a Bachelorette Party in Philly?

I'm from Delaware and there is absolutely nothing and no where to go in DE.  My party is Sept. 19th and we are trying to come up with some ideas of what to do/where to go?  Got a limo and I would like to dance.  Any places in Philly that you may know of that would be fun? 

Re: Any ideas of where to go for a Bachelorette Party in Philly?

  • edited December 2011
    Friends and I hit up Rittenhouse Square, which has some great upscale bars.  The Continental is a GREAT spot for drinks, especially when the weather is nice.  Fado is nearby, and not quite so classy (think Irish pub), but you can dance there. 
  • edited December 2011
    If you want to dance, most people suggest Old City.  Many of the bars get really crowded at places like Bleu Martini, Glam, Mint... If you want the 80's/90's/today kind of fun dancing, go to Mad River or Plough in the Stars which would be my recommendation.  If you want dancing in Rittenhouse, try Alfa (and their upstairs club portion) or G Lounge.  My crew wanted to dance so we went to Cavanaugh's River Deck... it's a summer outdoor collegey type of place but it was perfect for a bachelorette.  And we were really serious about the dancing thing, so we went to a gay afterhours club too.  =) 
  • cdipaolocdipaolo member
    edited December 2011
    Swanky Bubbles! Just had my friend's there and I had been there for my cousin's also a few years ago. Also, I missed my other cousin's party which was on a boat tha docked from Penn's Landing. Wish I had been able to go to that.
  • cdipaolocdipaolo member
    edited December 2011
    Also Silk City, that is where we went dancing afterwards.
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