Wedding Reception Forum

Reception Food 911

Hi everyone!!
So I have not been to many wedding...maybe three in my entire adult life...and I am very clueless when it comes to dinner.  I am curious to see what you guys think about the different styles of dinner such as buffet, family style, menu style, or picking on a rsvp card.  There also may be ways I missed?!?!

In your experiences what are some pros and cons of each way of having dinner??

idk if details matter but our wedding will have around 200 guests tentatively, and we do not have a giant surplus of money to put towards an extrravagant dinner

Thanks so much for all your help!!!!!!!
I've loved you since I was 8 years old...
243 Invited image
171 Are ready to party! image
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2 Said they can't give an answer until a week before the wedding..EXCUSE ME?!!! image
RSVP Deadline WAS September 20th!
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