Wedding Reception Forum

Distance from ceremony to Reception diner

We are having a DW on Maui late next year. We are having our ceremony on a private historical estate with photos, very light refreshments, and first dance. Our plan is to head to a restaurant and have dinner and drinks afterwards. We will be paying for eveything of course.

The ceremony is located 6 miles from the area we are suggesting people stay at.

From the ceremony the restaurant is about 15miles away. Is that too far?

Option 1
Timewise it would go like this:
Hotel to ceremony 10min
ceremony to restaurant 20-25min (depending on traffic)
restuarant back to hotel area 10min

Option 2

Another option would be hosting dinner a block and half away from the suggested hotel location. It eases my mind a bit because with an open bar people would be able to just walk back to their hotels.

Hotel to cermeony 10min
ceremony to hotel 10min
restaurant within walking distance of hotel 5min

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