
Anyone have a nagging sports injury?

So I somehow injured myself working out earlier this year and my knee hasn't been the same. It acts up when I work out and I am finally going to see a sports medicine doctor.I am so scared as I am terrified of needing sugery on it and never being able to exercise like I can now.Anyone else injure their knee before and actually fully recover and return to their normal routine?

Re: Anyone have a nagging sports injury?

  • edited December 2011
    I did somehow injure my knee late last summer. It just started hurting when I ran more than a mile so I stopped till this past spring and it was still there but not as painful. I still run, just not as much. I haven't thought about going to a doc...just my body telling me I shouldn't run as much. I hope it gets better and GL with the doc!
  • edited December 2011
    Val - my coworker injured his knee so bad, he needed surgery on it.My friend knocked her knee out of alignment and because of that was putting extra strain on her back to compensate for the pain in her knee. She is doing physical therapy to help it.I just want to make sure I am not causing more injury to it by ignoring it.
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, I definitely wouldn't ignore it. Going to the doc is the smartest thing especially if it won't go away (I should go at some point myself). I did something to my back last Sat. and had to stop working out. I was so bummed and it's still not healed! I guess getting older means it takes you longer to heal? lol.
  • edited December 2011
    Not my knee, but my ankle.  I had tendonitis while training for the Philly Distance Run and was out for an entire month.  I went to 3 different doctors (regular dr, PT, podiatrist) but my ankle was so swollen it was hard for them to figure out what was causing it. After a month of icing and rest I am fine and I am actually still running the race next weekend despite missing a month of training. You should definitely go to the is really the last resort and so the chance of them recommending that right away is slim.  They may want to do an MRI and PT first, but it is worth finding out.Where exactly is the pain?
  • edited December 2011
    I have had a string of knee injuries and dislocations for the last 10 years and had my third surgery last summer.  I recovered from the first one fine and was back to normal for a few years until it dislocated again.  Long story short, now I can't run at all, have to stick to low-impact workouts, and my knee buckles randomly when I'm just walking around.  The bottom line is Val is right -- don't ignore your injury.  The muscles in your knee are like a rubber band.  If you damaged the ligaments in any way, they can stretch out and never return to their original shape, meaning you're more susceptible to another/worse injury and could require surgery.  That being said, my case is ridiculous and most people have knee injuries that can be corrected with basic arthroscopic surgery and they're walking that same day, and back to normal after a few weeks.My suggestion -- go see a physical therapist, they can show you strengthening exercises to protect your knee from future injury and also help diagnose whether it's something you can recover from on your own or if you'll need surgical help. 
  • edited December 2011
    The pain is in my left knee - where is hard to say specifically. It acts up when I go high impact stuff like lunges and squats. Also sometimes when I run.
  • edited December 2011
    Lunges and squats aren't high impact unless you're jumping in between them or something.  My PT has me doing both of those exercises for strengthening quad muscles, which help support your knee.  I'd get it checked out.
  • edited December 2011
    Chances are they'll just make you go to PT.  I've had knee pain for several years, saw the doc who did the ACL surgeries for 3 of my soccer playing friends about and all he recommended was PT to help strengthen the muscles around the knee.  I still have pain now but I talk Advil before running (which my PCP told me to do when I brought this up again last year).  Lunges and squats are really bad on your knees so you might want to look into alternative exercises to work into your routine.        
    Yorkie Jenga

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    *take Advil.  Doh.
    Yorkie Jenga

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I have a right lateral/medial meniscal tear. I have had 3 different surgeries and it still bothers me. There are so many things that I cannot do. When I go to the gym I can only do the eliptical. I have to stay clear of the treadmill. When it rains, boy does it hurt. As a "medical professional" I can probably tell you that its either your meniscus or ACL. He will most likely send you for and X-ray first. Which to me is a waste because 9 out of 10 knee injuries are tendons and not bones and x-rays show bone injuries. But the x-ray is the cheapest way out at first. Then when nothing shows on the x-ray he will send you for the MRI. If its torn, depending on the extent, surgery might be an option, but if it isn't torn, then he will suggest a few rounds of physical therapy. Take it easy, you only have one set of knees. And please, please, please do what he tells you. If he tells you to stay away from the gym for a month DO IT. You will be thankful in the end. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me. And to answer your question, I have a normal routintine, just sometimes it is limited because of pain.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Phillycopwife. I am fine on the elliptical but when I was doing my step class, it would act up. When I do some of my exercise videos, it acts up. Mostly on high impact moves. Not a terrible pain but nagging pain. I will def listen to what he says as I know you don't want to make it worse. I just hate feeling limited and hope it isn't too serious as I couldn't even tell you how I hurt it in the first place.
  • edited December 2011
    Your welcome. Another thing that doesn't bother me is Spinning. Don't know why but I'm perfectly fine. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
  • edited December 2011
    Spinning didn't hurt me either. Thats funny you mention it. I recently got rid of my gym membership and I am trying to workout at home more to save money though.
  • edited December 2011
    Its good you are getting it looked at, while I havent ever had a knee injury, I am dealing with calf strains at the moment. Starting do the Couch to 5k running program and only got into week 3 and decided i need to see a doc before i hurt myself more, my calves burned everytime i I am in PT for 6 weeks 2 times a week! Good luck at the doc!
  • Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I cheered all through high school, college and have been coaching for about 5 years now. I've seen girls tear more things then Cinderella's step-sisters. Rule #1 :DO NOT ignore the pain. My crapola high school coach never taught us the proper technique, so now my back is so screwed up, I am going to a chiropractic specialist to fix the damage from stunting and tumbling.  I've been going for about two months. I'm not totally healed, but I have been able to start going to the gym again- something I wasn't able to do for almost a year!And because stuff is just more fun with pictures, here is my xray from the docs:see how my spine curves to the left?  Yeah, it's not supposed to do that.  Any my right hip was about an inch higher then my left.  Fun times.LB
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