
About the Do No Play Lists

I have to be honest, I'm paying a lot for this wedding so if I don't want to hear the chicken dance because I DESPISE it, it's not being played.  PERIOD.I do think, your do not play list should be reserved for songs you really hate and it should only be like 2 or 3.  I mean, I don't like Frank Sinatra songs all that much, but hey, a lot of the other people at the wedding do, so we can play 1 or 2, it won't kill me.  I don't despise him.There's really only 1 do not play for me---the Twist.  It's irrational and ridiculous but man, I HATE that song!  And any version of it!  The Electric slide will be played, along with the perculator (I'm not a fan, but my family can rock that dance out! so I know they'll love it) as well as We are Family---my mom and her 6 sisters really do dance up a storm to that as well. And whatever else people really want played.

Re: About the Do No Play Lists

  • edited December 2011
    I despise the Chicken Dance, the Twist, and the YMCA with a passion!!!! I also despise line dances.  I would have NEVER had them at my wedding.  My day=my way beeotches!I had a band, so a do not play was not necessary.  We actually made the set list for dinner & dancing (awesome!). 
  • edited December 2011
    Every song that you mentioned - the ones that you hate, the ones you dont mind -will be on my do not play list.There are PLENTY of awesome songs to choose from - why play any stupid songs?  As far as the perculator song goes... I'd kill the DJ if he played that.  That is seriously the worst song in history.
  • edited December 2011
    c&d...I agree totally with your posst and I guess some of my bitterness comes from not really being "allowed" to have a do not play list. My mother really frowns upon it, so it's just been drilled into my head that it's a bad thing. I'm sad about having to hear the chicken dance at my wedding but it is what it is. I will be telling the DJ that there are certain songs, like YMCA and the Macarena, that unless specifically requested by a guest, there is no need to play them. I guess it's my modification of a do not play list. I wasn't trying to rile anyone up with my comment, but sometimes it doesn't take much to get this board going! PS - I also despise the twist but FI loves it, it's actually on our must play list...uuuggghhh!!!!
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  • ButtonsPepperButtonsPepper member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    The twist played at FSIL and FBIL wedding this weekend, and our 85 year old grandfather, who can barely walk, danced with me to this song as "it's one of his favorite numbers back from when he used to dance in Manyunk"...I will forever, love the twist, and will be a "must play" song on my list. That is all...
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