Hi All!Just wanted to introduce myself, been lurking for a few weeks, and finally decided to pop in to say hi! We just got engaged almost 3 weeks ago, and already I'm foaming at the mouth over all the fun stuff that goes with planning! We are having a small destination wedding down where we got engaged in the Caribbean, but planning a big ole party back here for everyone else to attend. I just started looking, because our date is flexible--March/April 2011--depending on pricing for both the DW part and the reception part. ANYWAY (sorry for the ramble, I tend to do that), I'm interested in a few different venues and was wondering if anyone on here is using them/did use them for their wedding:1. World Cafe Live2. Please Touch Museum3. Phoenixville Foundry4. FUEL House5. Knowlton MansionIf you have any info or reviews for me, I'd be much obliged! Thanks, look forward to lots more Knotting! ~Caro