
AW: Finally!

My sister was really afraid to order her MOH dress because she found out she was having a baby, but because of history past, was afraid she may lose it. Baby is still with us (well, with her) so she felt comfortable enough to order the dress. So not only do I have a sister with a dress for the wedding (yay finally) I have still, a happy healthy little baby niece/nephew :-). Good news all around from both reports! In other news, my invites went into printing today!!!!!!! So excited, the proof was awesome, and I can't wait to get them in.

Re: AW: Finally!

  • edited December 2011
    Awesome news!Who did your invites? Do you have a pic? I'd love to see them!
  • ButtonsPepperButtonsPepper member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I tried to take pic's but I couldn't figure out the right setting on my camera until they were gone :-(.Jennifer Wolf Design did my invites. She sent me about 20 different proof's and we picked and chose a few different elements/fonts from different invites. She then showed us a moc up of what we wanted and it was perfect!When we get them in, in a few weeks, I'll take pictures ( I know how to now!) but they are dark blue, light blue, and silver pocket fold invitations with a navy blue ribbon (I think), and I love them!
  • edited December 2011
    Great news!
  • edited December 2011
    I've never heard of her. That is great, they sound lovely & perfect with your theme. Can't wait to see pics!
  • ButtonsPepperButtonsPepper member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I'll be sure to take pictures once I get them! I told her I'd like them by the end of October, but I'm sure I'll get them before then :-)
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